Publications on Google scholar and ORCID. Some e-prints are available on the open repositories ORBI, arXiv and HAL. All the papers are available upon request (axel.modave [at]
- S. Pescuma, G. Gabard, T. Chaumont-Frelet, A. M. (2024). A hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin method with transmission variables for time-harmonic wave problems in heterogeneous media. Submitted for publication. [preprint]
- P. Ciarlet Jr, A. M. (2024). Analysis of time-harmonic electromagnetic problems with elliptic material coefficients. Submitted for publication. [preprint]
International journals
- R.-C. Meyer, H. Bériot, G. Gabard, A. M. (2024). Coupling of discontinuous Galerkin and pseudo-spectral methods for time-dependent acoustic problems. Accepted for publication in Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics. [link] [preprint]
- A. M., T. Chaumont-Frelet (2023). A hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method with characteristic variables for Helmholtz problems. J. Comput. Phys., 493, 112459, [link] [preprint]
- A. Royer, C. Geuzaine, E. Béchet, A. M. (2022). A non-overlapping domain decomposition method with perfectly matched layer transmission conditions for the Helmholtz equation. Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng, 395, 115006 [link] [preprint]
- R. Dai, A. M., J.-F. Remacle, C. Geuzaine (2022). Multidirectionnal sweeping preconditioners with non-overlapping checkerboard domain decomposition for Helmholtz problems. J. Comput. Phys., 453, 110887 [link] [preprint]
- D. Chicaud, P. Ciarlet, A. Modave (2021). Analysis of variational formulations and low-regularity solutions for time-harmonic electromagnetic problems in complex anisotropic media. SIAM J. Math. Anal., 53(3), 2691-2717 [link] [preprint]
- H. Beriot, A. Modave (2021). An automatic PML for acoustic finite element simulations in convex domains of general shape. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., 122, 1239-1261 [link] [preprint]
- A. Modave, A. Royer, X. Antoine, X. Geuzaine (2020). A non-overlapping domain decomposition method with high-order transmission conditions and cross-point treatment for Helmholtz problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 368, 113162. [link] [preprint] [codes]
- A. Modave, X. Geuzaine, X. Antoine (2020). Corner treatments for high-order absorbing boundary conditions in high-frequency acoustic scattering problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 401, 109029. [link] [preprint] [codes]
- A. Modave, A. Atle, J. Chan, T. Warburton (2017). A GPU-accelerated nodal discontinuous Galerkin method with high-order absorbing boundary conditions and corner/edge compatibility. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 112 (11), 1659-1686. [link] [preprint]
- A. Modave, J. Lambrechts, C. Geuzaine (2017). Perfectly Matched Layers for Convex Truncated Domains with Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain Simulations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 73 (4), 684-700. [link] [preprint]
- J. Chan, Z. Wang, A. Modave, J.-F. Remacle, T. Warburton (2016).GPU-accelerated discontinuous Galerkin methods on hybrid meshes. Journal of Computational Physics, 318, 142-168. [link] [preprint]
- A. Modave, A. St-Cyr, T. Warburton (2016). GPU performance analysis of a nodal discontinuous Galerkin method for acoustic and elastic models. Computers & Geophysics, 91, 64-76. [link] [preprint]
- A. Modave, A. St-Cyr, W. A. Mulder, T. Warburton (2015). A nodal discontinuous Galerkin method for reverse-time migration on GPU clusters. Geophysical Journal International, 203 (2), 1419-1435. [link] [preprint]
- A. Modave, E. Delhez, C. Geuzaine (2014). Optimizing perfectly matched layers in discrete contexts. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 99 (6), 410-437. [link] [preprint]
- M. Boubekeur, A. Kameni, L. Pichon, A. Modave, C. Geuzaine (2014). Analysis of transient scattering problems using a discontinuous Galerkin method: application to the shielding effectiveness of enclosures with heterogeneous walls. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 27 (3), 626-635. [link] [preprint]
- M. Boubekeur, A. Kameni, L. Bernard, A. Modave, L. Pichon (2014). 3-D Modeling of Thin Sheets in the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Transient Scattering Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 50 (2), 493-496. [link] [preprint]
- M. Boubekeur, A. Kameni, A. Modave, L. Bernard, L. Pichon (2013). Modeling of Weakly Conducting Thin Sheets in the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Shielding Effectiveness Evaluation. ACES Journal, 28 (10). [link] [preprint]
- A. Modave, A. Kameni, J. Lambrechts, E. Delhez, L. Pichon. C. Geuzaine (2013). An optimum PML for scattering problems in the time domain. The European Physical Journal – Applied Physics, 64 (2). [link] [preprint]
- A. Kameni, A. Modave, M. Boubekeur, V. Preault, L. Pichon, C. Geuzaine (2013). Evaluation of shielding effectiveness of composite wall with a time domain discontinuous Galerkin method. The European Physical Journal – Applied Physics, 64 (2). [link] [preprint]
- A. Modave, E. Deleersnijder, E. Delhez (2010). On the parameters of absorbing layers for shallow water models. In Ocean Dynamics, 60 (1), 65-79. [link] [preprint]
- Absorbing Layers for Wave-Like Time-Dependent Problems – Design, Discretization and Optimization [orbi]
Doctoral Thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, 2013. - Étude de modèles de frontière ouverte pour des problèmes de propagation d’ondes [orbi]
Master Thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, 2008.
International conferences
- A. Modave, X. Antoine, C. Geuzaine. An efficient domain decomposition method with cross-point treatment for Helmholtz problems. Talk in a minisymposium at the XXXIX Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering (CILAMCE 2018) – Compiègne/Paris (France) – November 11-14, 2018 [4-pages paper]
- A. Modave, X. Antoine, C. Geuzaine. An Efficient DDM with Cross-points for the Parallel Finite Element Solution of Helmholtz Problems. Talk in a minisymposium at the 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2018) – New York City (NY, USA) – July 22-27, 2018
- A. Modave, V. Mattessi, C. Geuzaine. High-order absorbing boundary conditions with edge and corner compatibility for the Helmholtz equation. Talk in a minisymposium at the 7th International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering (ACOMEN 2017) – Ghent (Belgium) – Septembre 18-22, 2017 [2-pages paper]
- A. Modave, A. Atle, J. Chan, T. Warburton. A nodal discontinuous Galerkin method with high-order absorbing boundary conditions and corner/edge compatibility. Invited talk at the 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves Propagation (WAVES 2017) – Minneapolis (USA) – May 15-19, 2017 [2-pages paper]
- A. Modave, A. Atle, J. Chan, R. Hewett, T. Warburton. High-Order Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Time-Domain Wave Propagation with DG Methods. Talk in a minisymposium at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE17) – Atlanta (Georgia, USA) – February 27-March 3, 2017
- A. Modave, J. Chan, T. Warburton. GPU Performance Analysis of Discontinuous Galerkin Implementations for Time-Domain Seismic Wave Propagation. Talk in a HPC dedicated session at the 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition – Vienna (Austria) – May 30-June 2, 2016
- A. Modave, J. Chan, T. Warburton. GPU Performance Analysis of Discontinuous Galerkin Implementations for Time-Domain Wave Simulations. Talk at the 17th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP16) – Paris (France) – April 12-15, 2016
- A. Modave, A. St-Cyr, T. Warburton. Performance of DGTD Finite Element Methods for the RTM Procedure on GPU Clusters. Talk at the 2016 Oil & Gas HPC Conference – Houston (Texas, USA) – March 2-3, 2016 (accepted)
- A. Modave, A. St-Cyr, T. Warburton, W. A. Mulder. Accelerated Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain Simulations for Seismic Imaging. Talk in a minisymposium at the SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS15) – Stanford (California, USA) – June 29-July 2, 2015
- A. Modave, A. St-Cyr, T. Warburton, W. A. Mulder. Accelerated Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain Simulations for Seismic Wave Propagation. Talk in a HPC dedicated session at the 77th EAGE Conference & Exhibition – Madrid (Spain) – June 1-4, 2015 [link] [4-pages paper]
- A. Modave, D. Medina, A. St-Cyr, T. Warburton. RiDG: A Portable High-Performance Simulation Tool for Seismic Imaging. Talk at the 2015 Oil & Gas HPC Workshop – Houston (Texas, USA) – March 4-5, 2015
- M. Boubekeur, A. Kameni, L. Bernard, A. Modave, L. Pichon. 3D Modeling of Thin Resistive Sheets in the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Transient Scattering Analysis. Poster at the 19th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2013) – Budapest (Hungary) – June 20-July 4, 2013 [orbi] [2-pages paper]
- A. Modave, J. Lambrechts, E. Delhez, C. Geuzaine. A PML for convex truncated domains in time-dependent acoustics with a DG-FE discretization. Talk at the 11th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves Propagation (WAVES 2013) – Gammarth (Tunisia) – June 3-7, 2013 [orbi] [2-pages paper]
- A. Modave, C. Geuzaine, M. Boubekeur, L. Pichon, A. Kameni. Evaluation of Shielding Effectiveness in the Time Domain using a DG Method with an Efficient PML. Poster at the 9th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2013) – Bruges (Belgium) – April 23-25, 2013 [orbi] [poster]
- A. Modave, E. Delhez, A. Kameni, L. Pichon, C. Geuzaine. An optimum PML for scattering problems in the time domain. Talk at the 7e Conférence Européenne sur les Méthodes Numériques en Electromagnétisme (NUMELEC 2012) – Marseilles (France) – July 3-5, 2012 [orbi] [2-pages paper]
- A. Kameni, A. Modave, M. Boubekeur, C. Geuzaine, L. Pichon. Evaluation de l’efficacité de blindage de parois hétérogènes par une méthode de Galerkin discontinue en domaine temporel. Poster at the 7e Conférence Européenne sur les Méthodes Numériques en Electromagnétisme (NUMELEC 2012) – Marseilles (France) – July 3-5, 2012 [orbi] [2-pages paper]
- A. Modave, E. Delhez, C. Geuzaine. On the Parameters of the Perfectly Matched Layer in Discrete Contexts. Talk at the 10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves Propagation (WAVES 2011) – Vancouver (Canada) – July 25-29, 2011 [orbi] [4-pages paper]
- A. Modave, E. Delhez, C. Geuzaine. Optimization of the PML in the Discrete Context for Wave-Like Problems. Talk at the 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2011) – Vancouver (Canada) – July 18-22, 2011 [orbi]
- A. Modave, E. Deleersnijder, E. Delhez. Absorbing layers for shallow water models. Talk at the 15th Biennal Workshop of the Joint Numerical Sea Modelling Group (JONSMOD 2010) – Delft (The Netherlands) – May 12-10, 2010 [orbi]
National conferences
- A. Modave, X. Antoine, C. Geuzaine. Conditions aux limites absorbantes d’ordre élevé pour l’équation de Helmholtz : traitement des coins et application en DDM. Talk in a minisymposium at the 44e Congrès National d’Analyse Numérique (CANUM 2018) – Cap d’Agde (France) – May 28-June 1, 2018
- A. Modave, X. Antoine, C. Geuzaine. An efficient DDM with cross-points for the parallel finite element solution of Helmholtz problems. Invited talk and poster at the Journées “Advanced Theoretical and Numerical Methods for waves in structured Media” organized by the thematic group « Modélisation et simulation » (GT1) of GDR Ondes – Paris (France) – March 13-14, 2018
- A. Modave, E. Delhez, C. Geuzaine. Optimisation des PML dans des contextes discrets. Talk at the 41e Congrès National d’Analyse Numérique (CANUM 2012) – Superbesse (France) – May 21-25, 2012 [orbi]
- A. Modave. Optimizing the PML in the discrete context. Invited talk at the Journées de Metz 2012 “Recent Advances in Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wave Propagation” – Metz (France) – March 29-31, 2012 [orbi]
Seminars and other talks
- Séminaire d’analyse numérique at IRMAR – Rennes (France) – June 15, 2017
- Colloquium at VirginiaTech, department of mathematics – Blacksburg (Virginia, USA) – March 25, 2016
- Industrial seminar at TOTAL E&P – Houston (Texas, USA) – January 21, 2016
- Seminar at team MAGIQUE-3D (INRIA) – Pau (France) – January 5, 2016
- Seminar at team POEMS (INRIA-CNRS-ENSTA) – Palaiseau (France) – December 17, 2015
- Seminar at UPMC, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Numerical methods – Paris (France) – December 14, 2015
- Seminar at VirginiaTech, SIAM Student Chapter – Blacksburg (Virginia, USA) – November 19, 2015
- Industrial seminar at Shell Technology Center – Rijswijk (The Netherlands) – June 9, 2015
- Seminar at SMU, Graduate students in mathematics – Dallas (Texas, USA) – April 14, 2015
- Seminar at University of A Coruña, SINUMAR – A Coruña (Spain) – July 17, 2014
- Seminar at team NACHOS (INRIA) – Sophia-Antipolis (France) – June 3, 2014
- Seminar at Université catholique de Louvain — Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) – February 10, 2014
- Talk at 1st Gmsh Workshop – Braives (Belgium) – September 15-16, 2011
- Talk at ANR “MicroWave” – Nancy (France) – December 2-3, 2010